10月26日上午,韩国汉阳大学教授Young Moo Lee应邀访问万博man手机客户端app ,并在创新楼万博manbetx官网在线登录 厅(C502)做了题为“Cactus-inspired Self-humidifying Membranes”的万博manbetx官网在线登录 。报告由重点实验室常务副主任金万勤教授主持,部分老师和研究生参加了报告会。
附:Young Moo Lee教授的个人简介:
Young Moo Lee is currently Hanyang Distinguished Professor of Energy Engineering and serves as President at Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.He received his B.S. and M.S. degree at Hanyang University, and his PhD in Fiber and Polymer Science at North Carolina State University in 1985. He was a postdoc at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York and employed at 3M Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. Dr. Lee is engaged in novel membranes materials and processes for gas and vapor separation including thermally rearranged polymer materials, carbon-silica membranes, organic-inorganic hybrid membranes, surface modified membranes. Dr Lee’s present research also includes design of novel polymers for fuel cell. Dr. Lee received numerous awards; among them are Top 50 Research Award by Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (2008).He won the First Green Technology Grand Prize from Korean government (2010),Knowledge Creation Grand Award (2010)and Kyung-Am Academic Award (2012).
Dr. Lee published more than 360papers, is an author of five books and eight book chapters, and owns 120 patents. He served as an Editor of Journal of Membrane Science from 2004. He is a Fellow of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology, member of Korean Polymer Society, Korean Chemical Engineering Society, former President of Korean Membrane Society, and former President of Aseanian Membrane Society.